Sunday, August 18, 2024


This is a page to trip to visit your Divine Council with Richard Martini.

Why visit one's teachers, guides, council? Because they know why people are going through trials and tribulations.  By asking them questions about one's journey, they can give insight and advice.

It's like taking a trip to visit the folks who designed the play, the video game, the "behind the scenes" playwrights.

The session takes about an hour to 90 minutes on Zoom.  The simple meditation can be found in the book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE to practice.

Basically this is a method to help people bypass filters on the brain to access their guides, and then take a "trip" to visit their Council in the afterlife.

These folks have been watching over all of our lifetimes and people are often surprised to see who is watching over theirs.

These meditations are most effective with people who have had some experience - either a past life regression, a near death event, a vivid dream - being visited by someone offstage - in some fashion they've "bypassed their filters on the brain that block" awareness.

Richard and Jennifer Shaffer, a renowned medium and intuitive, have been working together for ten years.  Their podcast HACKING THE AFTERLIFE (YouTube) .  

There are examples of sessions on that page.

Bio: Richard is an award winning filmmaker who has made numerous documentaries about the journey into the afterlife. (He's also made other feature films, including "Limit Up" "Point of Betrayal" and others).  His documentaries can be found on Amazon or Gaia - "Flipside" "Talking to Bill Paxton" or "Hacking the Afterlife" are all available on both.


In terms of a fee, there's a suggested donation of 250, or 100 if "we don't get anywhere."  That's a rare occurrence, so I recommend practicing closing one's eyes and saying aloud what they see, imagine, hear without judging what they're saying before booking a session.

send an email to MartiniProds at Gmail.  I'll reply with possible dates. 

Email - (it's Martini Productions... but it's also a subtle form of prodding)

The guided meditation is not hypnotherapy - although some of the same hallmarks show up in the sessions.  (If one is looking for a hypnotherapy session, I recommend hypnotherapists trained, licensed by the Newton Institute, or people like Scott at

If one is looking for a medium, there are a number interviewed on the Hacking the Afterlife site on YouTube, and I work often with

Jennifer recommends trying a "trip to the Council" meditation to many of her clients.

(The book  and film FLIPSIDE detail that journey.)

Our podcast HACKING THE AFTERLIFE can be found on YouTube. is a page of links and information about the flipside research.

The film HACKING THE AFTERLIFE with numerous examples, is at Gaia or Amazon. (free trial)


"You go above and beyond. I really appreciate it. I wanted to give you the feedback that your questioning was so helpful.  

Your questions were keenly observant, intuitive, empathic: you think outside of the box. 

It makes you such a great guide in a session and helped me find my answers.   It's such a pleasure to have met you. Thanks again.  Sara"

From a recent session where we visited a council for guidance: 

"Good morning Richard…Thank you so much for the session! I received powerful intuition and awareness. 

Also, I liked the healing room and the image that was created with my spiritual guide. Thank you again for this special session and for your service to humanity. Anne"

for further info:

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